Sunday, February 8, 2009

February 8, 2009 - Day 39

Look mama, I can do it! GG has really been trying to eat on her own and gets pretty upset sometimes if I try to help her. Today, she got impatient with the whole spoon thing after she'd already gone through a bowl of soup, so she decided to try to drink her yogurt from the bowl. It doesn't look it, but she has improved.

A little ironic that we just took our taxes to the CPA and GG has on the "Tax Deductible" bib to catch the liquids today.


  1. She looks adorable and a lot like you!!!

  2. Thanks, Beckie, I've been hearing that more lately. I'll have to check out your blog soon, I only took a little peek today. I'm waaaay behind on my posts, just been crazy lately. I hope I get a little time to catch up this weekend. Stay posted. Take care, and GOOD FOR YOU ON THE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!! keep it up : )
