Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009 - Day 33

I put my daughter to bed but when I thought I heard her wake up, I went in to discover she had been kidnapped and left in her place? A grumpy, half shirtless "Cousin It" with hair stuck to a snotty face.
Ew, fun.


  1. we have a disgusting amount of snot around here too. im really starting to be seriously grossed out by my children.

  2. I know what you mean, Tammie! She coughs a little and then always ends in a big sneeze. When she's at home, we're happy for this because it clears her nose out REALLY WELL, but when you're out in public and you hear her start in on the coughing, you think two things, "can I hurdle all these people to get to her with a tissue first?" or "please don't blow, please don't blow!" And then AAA-choo! yep, thar she blows! snot ALL over her face. lovely. For a family that's not used to be sick on any kind of a regular basis, this is getting real old real quick. glad to know someone else can relate. : )
